A apropriação do espaço escolar pelos Pibidianos Geografia durante o Ensino Remoto
PIBID, Formação docente, Ambiente escolarAbstract
relationships that compose it, it causes the school to contribute to the construction of professional identity. Giving that, the present study aims to describe how the process of appropriation of school space by the PIBID scholarship holder of the Geography subproject of the Federal University of Alagoas, edition 2020 - 2022, took place during the period of social isolation. For this action to be possible, a roadmap was created by the Area Coordinators that guided the investigations and reflections of the scholarship holders of Initiation to Teaching. Through the roadmap provided, the scholarship holders were able to learn about the physical, administrative, and pedagogical structure of the target school. The process of virtual knowledge of the Federal Institute of Alagoas made possible the survey and analysis of the collected data, carried out through documentary survey and interviews; the PIBID scholarship holders were able not only to become familiar with the organizational structure and services offered by the institution, but also to realize that they were working in one of the most important educational institutions in the state of Alagoas.
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