Sequência didática: uma abordagem sobre coleta seletiva em uma escola da rede pública do sertão alagoano
ABSTRACT: Trash is considered as one of the main problems that has been bringing serious social concerns. Faced with this, selective garbage collection has been presented as a solution to this problem, however, some studies have indicated a lack of practical approach in the school environment before this and other problems. Faced with this, some didactic methods were developed in the educational teaching and learning process as the "Didactic Sequence". Considering garbage as a social problem to be faced, and that the Didactic Sequence has been one of the main methodologies adopted to experience in the classroom problematic as these, this work had the objective of performing a didactic sequence regarding the selective collection in a school of the public network of the municipality of Santana do Ipanema-AL. The same was done in two high school classes. Firstly, questionnaires were applied to evaluate the students' previous knowledge, sequencing the execution of demonstration workshops and finally a reapplication of the initial questionnaire. The results showed that before the Didactic Sequence there was a lack of understanding of the students regarding the selective collection. After the same, a positive increase in the knowledge of the students was evident, since they were enthusiastic and understanding in the face of the problem. Facing this study, it was noticed that the didactic sequence contributed in a fundamental way, however, it is necessary a continuation of this and other problems by school management, since these may reflect in the daily life of these and other students.
KEYWORDS: Trash, Education, Intervention.
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