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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submitted article is original and unpublished.
  • The submitted article follows the model and formatting adopted by the journal.
  • The submitted article must have a minimum of 8 pages and a maximum of 20 pages.
  • The submission contains all the necessary documents: 1) Authored article; 2) Non-authored article; 3) Authorship Declaration and Open Science Form; 4) Plagiarism check report.
  • The metadata is correctly filled in both languages (Portuguese and English/Spanish)

Author Guidelines

We kindly ask that you read all the guidelines in this section prior to submission.

The article must follow the style/formatting standards and bibliographic requirements described in the submission template, as of 02/01/2022.

Authors should make an analysis of the article in an anti-plagiarism program and send the report together in the submission process. Articles with plagiarism identified will be returned as set forth in our Submission Policies.

When submitting the article, the authors must remove the copyright properties of the files to avoid the identification of authorship, as well as other textual elements that refer to the identification.

Research with humans and animals should be accompanied by registration protocols in the Ethics Councils, when necessary.

In the submission process, the authors must send the files in WORD format, paying attention to the items:

1) Article WITH authorship identification in Portuguese (click here to download the template).

Article WITH English language identification (click here to download the template).

Article WITH identification in the Spanish language (click here to download the template).

2) Article WITHOUT identification of authorship in Portuguese (click here to download the template).

Article WITHOUT identification in the English language (click here to download the template).

Article WITHOUT identification in the Spanish language (click here to download the template).

3) Declaration of Authorship and Open Science Form (click here to download the document).

4) Anti-plagiarism program report (can be in PDF).


Have questions about the submission process? Watch the video OJS Tutorial - 2. How to submit an article to a magazine, produced by the Coordination of Projects and Publications - PrP UEG:

It´'s mandatory to include the ORCID of all authors. If you don't have it: Clique aqui para acessar as orientações para cadastro no ORCID

After the evaluation of the article, if it´s accepted with mandatory corrections, the authors must send the revised version with the corrections/changes highlighted in different font color or markups. The return period for the revised text is 10 working days.

After the approval of the article and with the necessary corrections / changes, the authors must send the final version of the text with the Statement of Orthographic and Grammatical Revision signed by a competent professional (click here to download the document). Some suggestions from reviewers will be sent to the authors.

After the approval of articles in Portuguese, the authors must perform the translation of the article into the English language, sending the final version with the Declaration of Translation signed by a competent professional (click here to download the document). Some suggestions for translators will be sent to the authors.

The text must follow the style/formatting standards and bibliographic requirements described in the template/template as of 01/16/2021: Click here  to download the template/template WITHOUT identification (when submitting for the first time, file without identification is submitted) ;Click here to download the declaration of authorship and responsibility (mandatory submission with the article without identification).Click here to download the template/model WITH identification.

(After adjustments/post approval, a file with identification is submitted in the same area of ​​submission as the submission of the unidentified version). The payment of the voluntary contribution is only made after approval and final indication/receipt of the journal's official email stating that the article will be ready for publication in an edition that is informed by e-mail: (click here to access). All the above materials must be sent in word format in the submission area in the areas submission specifics.

Don't forget to fill in all the metadata with all the data: names (no abbreviations) of the authors. Example: in the data filling area where there is Name: José Crisólogo de Sales and in the Surname typing area type only: Silva (only the last surname). Fill in the Lattes and ORCID links.

Insert brief information about the résumé. Have questions about submission? Watch this video Tutorial OJS - 2. How to submit an article to a Journal produced by the Coordination of Projects and Publications-PrP UEG: is mandatory ORCID, if you don't have it know here how to get it. All authors must be registered with ORCID. Follow the guidelines for registration, if you do not have it:  to access the guidelines for registration in ORCID GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS. When submitting (through the journal's portal), always add two files , one of which must contain the identification of the authors and affiliations, and another file without any identification of the authors and affiliations (blindly); remember to remove the name of the author of the text in the properties option of the file prepared in Microsoft Word, under penalty of indicating the authorship of the work. It must also be filled out and attach the author's authorization for publication.

Also protocols for human and animal ethics advice, if necessary, ensuring compliance with current legislation and respect for people and living beings on the planet. Articles will be peer-reviewed in the first instance, then re-evaluated by the editors and adjusted to the general standards of the Diversitas Journal, with a view to making it accessible, with free access to the entire global society, in Portuguese, Spanish and English, with at least abstracts in two languages ​​being made available to facilitate reading and access.


Registro de Editores e revisores de cada numero publicado

Ciências Exatas

Submission of works in the areas of Exact Sciences: Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Engineering, Informatics and Chemistry.


Dissemination of unpublished research works and unpublished reviews, works with a high degree of knowledge and practical experiences of Science.

Dossiê Temático - Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade

Este Dossiê busca trazer a discussão científica, pesquisas interdisciplinares que abordam temas ligados ao desenvolvimento e a sustentabilidade e que visem debates de ideias, exposição de experiências e compreensão e sistematização de conhecimento no âmbito das questões que norteiam o ecodesenvolvimento, as diversas formas que se expressam as ruralidades no Brasil e sobre a gestão empresarial, governamental e rural.

Assim, espera-se receber artigos que abordem as seguintes temáticas: desenvolvimento rural, desenvolvimento sustentável, empreendedorismo rural e urbano, patrimônio cultural, organizações e sustentabilidade, políticas públicas, sistemas agroalimentares, gestão e controladoria, educação no campo, economia solidária, dentre outros, que dialoguem com o escopo proposto por este Dossiê Temático.

Dossiê Temático- Relatos de experiências no âmbito do PIBID e PRP

PRP DOSSIER - PIBID 2020 - 2022



This Dossier, which will be published by Revista Diversitas Journal (, aims to organize a space for socialization and construction of knowledge related to teaching practice based on reports of successful experiences from actions the Pedagogical Residency Program (PRP) and the Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation (PIBID) of Brazilian Higher Education Institutions.

In the scenario set up as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the processes of teaching and learning have been re-signified, leading education to carry out new readings and reflections on teaching, including within the scope of the aforementioned teacher training programs. Therefore, it is expected to foster dialogues, build and strengthen interpersonal and academic-scientific bonds in the contexts of initial and permanent teacher training.

The rules for the preparation and submission of articles can be accessed on the journal's website through the link:

Organization of the work:

Adelmo Fernandes de Araujo
Adriana Cavalcanti dos Santos
Maria Danielle Araujo Mota
Maria Lusia de Morais Belo Bezerra

Deadline for submission: February 25, 2022

Heads up:

1) In the title of the submitted article, avoid using terms present in the subject of the dossier.

2) The article must have a maximum of six authors, indicating the role of each author in the article in the author authorization letter.

3) At least one of the authors must have a master's or doctorate degree.

4) Author(s) linked to the Graduate Program include this information in the affiliation.

5) When submitting the submission, indicate the Dossier section “EXPERIENCE REPORTS IN THE SCOPE OF PIBID AND PRP”.

Dossiê Temático: Economia Política, Economia Aplicada e Desenvolvimento Regional

 Esta chamada objetiva reunir artigos científicos, desenvolvidos por estudantes de pós-graduação, professores e pesquisadores relacionados aos seguintes eixos temáticos: Economia aplicada; Economia política; Desenvolvimento regional. A escolha reveste-se de especial interesse para a revista Diversitas Journal dada a relevância das contribuições para a pesquisa acadêmica dos temas selecionados. Para melhor enquadramento e estímulo às submissões, mencionamos a seguir as três seções que irão compor o dossiê:

  1. Economia e desenvolvimento regional
  2. Economia social e do trabalho
  3. Aplicações de Métodos e Análises Quantitativas em Economia e Negócios


Luciana Caetano (luciana.silva@feac.ufal.brl)

Thyago Nepomuceno (

Verônica Antunes (

Dossiê Temático: Contabilidade e Inovação

Chamada Dossiê Temático Contabilidade e Inovação
Organizadores: Michelle Morais, Natallya Levino e Raimundo Filho

1. Gestão, Inovação e Sustentabilidade: dois dos grandes pilares da criação de valor são a inovação e a sustentabilidade. A pandemia COVID-19 acelerou a implementação de inovações nos mais diferentes setores da economia e está influenciando de forma relevante as dimensões da sustentabilidade (como a ambiental, económica e social). Neste contexto, acentua-se a importância das análises inerentes aos processos de inovação empresarial e também os seus efeitos sobre a sustentabilidade.

2. Contabilidade Empresarial e Governamental: O processo de convergência contábil tanto no setor privado quanto no setor público, por meio dos CPC’s e IPSAS’s, tem promovido e despertado diversos desafios na rotina contábil e na governança das informações econômico-financeiras. Pesquisas científicas que busquem investigar essa dinâmica fazem parte dessa chamada que tem o objetivo de consolidar a fronteira do conhecimento nessas áreas.

3. Aplicações com múltiplas metodologias na área de gestão e contabilidade: esta chamada busca-se a publicação de artigos com resultados de estudos e pesquisas, preferencialmente utilizando dados empíricos, primários ou secundários e suas análises através de métodos qualitativos e/ou quantitativos. Aplicações de métodos quantitativos para estudo das relações e fenômenos existentes fornecendo subsídios para a tomada de decisão estratégica nas diversas áreas de gestão e contabilidade. Bem como, aplicações utilizando técnicas de análise qualitativa que possam fomentar as discussões em torno do problema analisado.


Manuscrito que apresente leitura crítica de obras relevantes para a área especifica de publicação do periodico Diversitas Journal, que tenham sido publicadas nos 5 (cinco) últimos anos. Deve ter entre 1.500 e 3.000 palavras.


Artigo de opinião sobre temas atuais de repercussão na área de escolha e formação do autor. Deve ter entre 3.000 e 5.000 palavras.


Entrevista inédita que apresente contribuições relevantes para a áreas importantes na discussão científica e social. Deve ter entre 3.000 e 5.000 palavras.

APCORE, Especial Issue

Special issue articles selected by APCORE and submitted to Diversitas Journal

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed to the journal are used exclusively by Diversitas Journal and are in no way made available to third parties nor to other ends.