Aspectos germinativos e bioquímicos de diásporos de aroeira-do-sertão, armazenados e submetidos ao condicionamento fisiológico


  • Rafael Mateus Alves Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz
  • Monalisa Alves Diniz da Silva Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco - Unidade Acadêmica de Serra Talhada
  • Elania Freire da Silva Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco - Unidade Acadêmica de Serra Talhada
  • Joyce Naiara da Silva Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Débora Purcina de Moura Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco - Unidade Acadêmica de Serra Talhada
  • Sidney Anderson Teixeira da Costa



ABSTRACT: In semi-arid environments, irregular rains hamper the germinative process of seeds of endemic species, requiring the use of pre-germinative treatments that accelerate and standardize germination. Thus, this research work aimed to evaluate the physiological performance of diaspores of A. urundeuva when stored in different conditions (controlled environment - refrigerated and uncontrolled chamber - environment) and subsequently submitted to different pre-germinative physiological conditioning treatments. A completely randomized design was adopted with four replications of 25 diaspores, using two storage conditions (controlled - refrigerated and uncontrolled chamber - environment), four storage periods (0; 45; 90 and 180 days) and four treatments pre-germinative used after storage periods, establishing a 4 × 4 factorial scheme (storage periods × pre-germinative physiological conditioning treatments). Before storage and after each storage and conditioning period, moisture content, percentage and germination speed index (root protrusion), electrical conductivity and damage to diaspore membranes were evaluated. The storage of the diaspores of A.urundeuva for 180 days reduces the physiological potential, regardless of the temperature and RH of the air. Electrical conductivity and membrane damage are efficient biochemical tests to monitor the reduction in the physiological quality of diaspores stored for 180 days, regardless of air temperature and RH. The physiological conditioning carried out after the storage of the diaspores accelerates the germination process, and can be seen as an advantageous technique in the initial establishment of the seedlings.

KEYWORD: Astronium urundeuva, Caatinga, priming.


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How to Cite

Alves, R. M., Silva, M. A. D. da, Silva, E. F. da, Silva, J. N. da, Moura, D. P. de, & Costa, S. A. T. da. (2020). Aspectos germinativos e bioquímicos de diásporos de aroeira-do-sertão, armazenados e submetidos ao condicionamento fisiológico. Diversitas Journal, 5(4), 2358–2373.