Conhecimento popular sobre plantas medicinais utilizadas por especialistas locais da zona rural de Junqueiro/AL


  • Vanessa Fernandes Soares Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Mariangela Lopes Barbosa Universidade Estadual de Alagoas
  • Maria Silene da Silva Instituto Federal de Sergipe



ABSTRACT: Ethnobotanical approaches emerge as an alternative to understand the cultural relationship between people and nature. Thus, an ethnobotanical survey of the medicinal plants used by the local experts of the rural area of Junqueiro - AL was carried out, identifying their perception about the importance of their activity to the community. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with the use of the free list, applied on 13 local specialists, localized through the intermedium “snow ball”. In order to analyze the data, Qualiquantsoft software was used to obtain the discourse of the collective subject. The specialists cited 152 medicinal plants, from which 136 were identified and distributed in 56 families, such that Lamiaceae, Fabaceae and Asteraceae were the families to show the largest number of species. There were mentioned 127 therapeutic recommendations, grouped and classified in 18 corporal tracts, in agreement with the CID-10. Among the corporal tracts, the most mentioned ones to be treated with the highest number of plants cited were the digestive, respiratory, and nervous tracts. It was possible to observe through the study that the local experts present a direct relation with the knowledge that they obtained through the past generations, looking for ways of maintaining and preserving it, however it is perceptible the diminution of successors who have an interest in understanding and maintaining this tradition.

KEYWORDS: Ethnobotanics, Collective subject, Medicinal species.


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How to Cite

Soares, V. F., Barbosa, M. L., & Silva, M. S. da. (2020). Conhecimento popular sobre plantas medicinais utilizadas por especialistas locais da zona rural de Junqueiro/AL. Diversitas Journal, 5(4), 2692–2724.