Redes cômicas: uma abordagem sobre como pesquisar o humor na internet e as reverberações subliminares em torno do meme


  • Victor Hugo Nicacio Ferreira UFAL
  • João Vicente Ribeiro Barroso da Costa Lima



This article seeks to analyze the Meme as a frequent form of network communication, through a theoretical analysis, seeks to formulate a methodology with the help of Norbert Elias and Giddens to trace clues on how to approach this theme. With that, we problematize the notions of conscience, networks of interdependence, history, power relations, figurations and the rules of the game. We expand and use a methodological understanding that is both interactional, visualizing the games we are inserted in, as a perspective on the different historical, social processes that limit, constrain, standardize, naturalize, and sublimate within the human experience. Here we highlight the effects of neoliberalism on human relations. For this endeavor we built a methodology that allows the union between a micro and macro / interactional and structural perspective and is the bridge for understanding the constitution of networks, therefore, its substance. Its relationship with humor, particularly here the memes inserted in the figuration of Web 2.0 compose circuits in several networks, which, in turn, sublimate the crisis of liberal democracy and the neoliberal system in an empowerment through virtual channels and through the meme.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, V. H. N., & Lima, J. V. R. B. da C. (2020). Redes cômicas: uma abordagem sobre como pesquisar o humor na internet e as reverberações subliminares em torno do meme. Diversitas Journal, 5(3), 2237–2262.



Dossiê Temático - Teorias da Sociedade em Rede