Dinâmica socioespacial e produção agrícola nos acampamentos rurais Sapucaia e Caípe, União dos Palmares, Alagoas - Brasil





ABSTRACT: The Zona da Mata of Alagoas is a region of the state strongly marked by the creation of beef cattle and sugarcane monoculture, the latter practice being an influence of the sugar and alcohol establishments that for many decades dictated the state's agricultural production. For some years, this scenario has been modified due to the closure of sugar and alcohol mills and some properties changing their production method. However, many areas previously cultivated by the aforementioned crop have had production pauses. Thus, some, through social movements fighting for land, started to be occupied and claim the right to land through agrarian reform. Thus, the objective of this study was to understand the socio-spatial dynamics of the Sapucaia and Caípe campsites, located on the margins of BR-104 in the municipality of União dos Palmares, Alagoas, Brazil, as well to understand the agricultural production of these rural camps. Thus, a qualitative and quantitative research was carried out through interviews. The research provided an understanding of the constitution of the families that make up the camps, which demonstrated the existence of a still patriarchal mode of organization with the invisibility of women. In addition, there are also subhuman conditions regarding infrastructure. In addition to these aspects, there is a lack of technical assistance, which is fundamental in the process of contemplating and implementing land reform.

KEYWORDS: land reform, housing structure, rural camp.


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How to Cite

Angelo Neto, O., Santos, T. M. C. dos, Costa, J. H. de Q., Silva, K. B. da, Medeiros, M. da S., & Silva, J. M. da. (2020). Dinâmica socioespacial e produção agrícola nos acampamentos rurais Sapucaia e Caípe, União dos Palmares, Alagoas - Brasil. Diversitas Journal, 5(4), 2560–2570. https://doi.org/10.17648/diversitas-journal-v5i4-1270