Costa dos Corais: turismo, urbanização e desenvolvimento no litoral norte de Alagoas




ABSTRACT: Tourism has been an instrument of urbanization and socioeconomic transformation. A vector for overcoming backwardness and regional disparities, especially in underdeveloped territories. The main objective of this article is to synthetically analyze the Costa dos Corais Tourist Pole, taking into account the scarcity  of  works  on  this  topic.  The  whose  spatial  cut  covers  two  inducing  destinations,  Maceió  and Maragogi, as well as nine other municipalities located both on the north coast, such as: Paripueira, Barra de Santo Antônio, São Miguel dos Milagres, Porto de Pedras and Japaratinga, and in the northern part of the state, which are São Luís do Quitunde, Passo de Camaragibe, Matriz de Camaragibe and Porto Calvo. The study is justified in the search for the perception of the effects that the implementation of the Polo has brought to these municipalities, in their majority, marked by intense social inequalities and low economic development based on seasonal activities and low remuneration, as in the case of the sugar-alcohol sector, whose plants located in these municipalities have been facing a serious economic crisis, causing persistent chronic unemployment and socioeconomic vulnerability. The methodology has a qualitative character, based on explanatory data from public agencies and bibliographic collection referring to this theme analyzed in this geographical area specifically. It is concluded at the end of the study, that despite promoting regional socioeconomic  changes  and  urbanization  incentives,  the  results  were  meager  in  terms  of  reducing socioeconomic inequalities and promoting regional development.

KEYWORDS: Tourism, Costa dos Corais Tourist Hub, development, urbanization.


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How to Cite

Figueiredo, T. Q. de. (2021). Costa dos Corais: turismo, urbanização e desenvolvimento no litoral norte de Alagoas. Diversitas Journal, 6(3), 3391–3410.