Novo badnavírus em infecção mista com begomovírus em Centrosema brasilianum




ABSTRACT: Plant viruses have a wide range of weed/wild hosts, which can act as virus reservoirs. Centosema brasilianum is a wild leguminous species frequently found in association with cultivated fields in the Northeast region of the country. In March 2017, a plant of C. brasilianum was found showing symptoms of mosaic and leaf rolling, in the municipality of Maceió, state of Alagoas. In this context, the present study aimed to detect and molecular characterize viruses with DNA genomes infecting C. brasilianum. Total DNA was extracted from the leaf sample and used as a template via PCR amplification reactions assays using universal primers, aiming respectively at the detection of badnavirus and begomovirus. Partial sequences were obtained for the badnavirus RT/RNaseH and begomovirus DNA-A regions. Comparisons of paired sequences and phylogenetic analyzes indicated the presence of coinfection in C. brasilianum by badnavirus and begomovirus. The isolate BR:Mac:17 should be considered a putative new species of badnavirus, for which the name ‘Centrosema bacilliform virus’ (CenBV) is proposed. This species was phylogenetically more related to Dioscorea bacilliform AL virus (DBALV, KX008573), from the Dioscorea rotundata. Meanwhile, the isolate BR:Mac2:17 is a Begomovirus, probably of the species Bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV). The results demonstrate that C. brasilianum can act as a reservoir of badnavirus and begomovirus in the absence of culture in the field.

KEYWORDS: Molecular characterization, Caulimoviridae, Geminiviridae, non-cultivated plants.  


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How to Cite

Teixeira, R. da R. O., Melo, A. M., Ferro, M. M. de M., Silva, S. J. C. da, Assunção, I. P., & Lima, G. S. de A. (2021). Novo badnavírus em infecção mista com begomovírus em Centrosema brasilianum. Diversitas Journal, 6(3), 3013–3030.