Waste Plan Penerated in Civil Construction
Environment, space transformation, waste, laws and well-beingAbstract
The transformation of natural space into a humanized space requires studi technicians that aim to mitigate, as much as possible, the impacts on the environment andconsequently to man himself. You must always observe environmental laws and its recommendations regarding the use of natural and artificial resources so that they meet technical standards and contribute to harmony man and a half (social and environmental well-being). The civil construction waste plan constitutes an integral part of the documentation required to obtain the Environmental authorization of the projects. The said Plan aims to implement necessary actions in order to avoid, minimize, prevent and control the possible environmental impacts that occur from the generation of waste fromcivil works of the projects. With that, it will reduce, reuse, recycle, will store and give the proper final destination to these wastes, translating into actions that will bring economic, social and environmental benefits.
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