Panorama of the commercialization of flowers, and ornamental plants in the municipality of Corrente - Piauí


  • Márcio Magno Morgado Guimarães Universidade Estadual do Piauí. Corrente, PI, Brasil.
  • Jean Soares Honorato Universidade Estadual do Piauí. Corrente, PI, Brasil.
  • Gabriane Pereira Araújo Universidade Estadual do Piauí. Corrente, PI, Brasil.
  • Genilton Alves Rodrigues Universidade Estadual do Piauí. Corrente, PI, Brasil.
  • Joao Manoel da Silva Universidade Estadual do Piauí. Corrente, PI, Brasil.



floriculture, production chain, landscaping, human relatioship


The objective of this case study was to investigate the commercialization of flowers and ornamental plants in the city of Corrente, located in the extreme south of the state of Piauí. This study was born as a result of an activity developed in the Floriculture and Landscaping curricular component, in the Agronomy course. Therefore, a qualitative research and case study was developed. The information was collected through an interview, where the questions were previously formulated and structured by the students, based on the contents covered in the classroom. The information and data were analyzed and interpreted through content analysis, making it possible to understand the reality of the company. The investigation through the interview showed that the company is the only one that operates in the municipality and that it has a fixed clientele with a variable profile of consumers. Given the variety of commercialized plants, there is a production chain, which is related to wholesale and retail sales, as well as the supply of inputs. Knowing that the productive chain of flowers and ornamental plants is in all Brazilian states, it is extremely important to apply technologies and studies in the area. This is evidenced through the fruit that was born with the Podcast developed in the discipline, which aroused interest in students of the agronomy course, since they had not yet had contact with this agricultural branch. These results provide support for the development of more research related to the economic importance of floriculture.



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How to Cite

Guimarães, M. M. M., Honorato, J. S., Araújo, G. P., Rodrigues, G. A. ., & Silva, J. M. da. (2023). Panorama of the commercialization of flowers, and ornamental plants in the municipality of Corrente - Piauí. Diversitas Journal, 8(1).

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