
  • Maria Francisca Oliveira Santos UFAL/UNEAL
  • Gabrielle dos Santos Barbosa UNEAL
  • José Vândesson dos Santos UNEAL
  • Magna Cristina de Oliveira Santos UNEAL
  • Maria Rejane Alves UNEAL



Spoken/written language, oral/written textual genres, teaching, orality/written.


The work in question aims to present successful practices in the basic education classroom (experience reports), on the occasion of the activities of the PIBID, of the State University of Alagoas (public university of the Alagoas hinterland), when it is carried out with beginning in 2020, focusing on the studies of spoken and written language manifestations, with emphasis on the former, for what defends verbal language (language manifestations) and non-verbal language (kinesthetic, imagery, proxemic categories, among others), with emphasis in the multimodal text.  It had as a guiding question: Is it possible to work on orality and writing in basic education, to contribute to the better performance of this competence of students in social life, despite the pandemic caused by covid 19?  The work was mainly based on Brasil (1998, 2017), Carvalho;  Ferrarezi Jr. (2018), Dolz;  Schneuwly (2004), Fávero;  Andrade;  Aquino (1999), Marcuschi (2008; 2001), Koch (2004), Koch and Elias (2016), among others;  it is descriptive-interpretative, following qualitative paths (FLICK, 2009), which is why there are no a priori proposals, ready-made, but to be found and discussed along the way.  The results showed that the use of digital technologies such as Google meet, zapweb, made it possible to carry out orality work proposals with the development of students' orality and writing skills in dialogic manifestations.


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Brasil, M. da E. B. N. C. C. (2017). Brasília, DF: MEC.

Brasil, M. da E. P. C. N. (PCNs). (1998). Brasília, DF: MEC.

Carvalho, R. S. de; Ferrarezi Jr, C. (2018). Oralidade na educação básica: o que saber? Como ensinar? (1a ed.) São Paulo. Parábola.

Fávero, L.; Andrade, M. L, Aquino, Z. (2005). Oralidade e escrita: perspectiva para o ensino de língua materna. (5a ed.), São Paulo: Cortez.

Flick, U. (2009). Introdução à pesquisa qualitativa. Tradução Joice Elias Costa. (3a ed.) Porto Alegre: Artmed; Bookman.

Koch, I. V.; Elias, V. M. (2016). Escrever e argumentar. São Paulo: Contexto.

Koch, I. (2004). A coesão textual. (19a ed.) São Paulo: Contexto.

Marcuschi, L. A. (2003). Análise da conversação. (5a ed.). São Paulo: Editora Ática.

Marcuschi, L. A. (2008). Produção textual, análise de gêneros e compreensão. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial.

Schneuwly, B.; Dolz, J. (2004). Gêneros orais e escritos na escola. Tradução e organização de Roxane Rojo e Glaís Sales Cordeiro. Campinas, SP: Mercado de Letras.



How to Cite

Oliveira Santos, M. F., dos Santos Barbosa, G., dos Santos, J. V., de Oliveira Santos, M. C. ., & Alves, M. R. (2022). EXPRESSIONS OF THE PIBID LANGUAGE IN A REGION FROM ALAGOAS: EXPERIENCE REPORTS . Diversitas Journal, 7(4).