Dealing with body culture knowledge during the pandemic of COVID-19:
reality and possibilities
physical education, remote teaching, teacher formationAbstract
The pedagogical activities that are systematized and analyzed in this article were developed by the PIBID Physical Education group of the Federal University of Alagoas, Arapiraca Campus. It had the objective to of critically analyzing the reality and the possibilities of dealing with the knowledge of corporal culture, developed through the PIBID Physical Education from UFAL/Arapiraca Campus, in elementary school II, in the pandemic context, facing the necessary elevation of human cultural formation, and overcoming the current production mode of existence - capitalism. For this, we used the philosophical categories reality and possibilities, which make up the dialectical historical materialist method of knowledge, with which we seek approximations. The methodology used is that of the systematization of experiences. The results were systematized according to the curricular principles for the selection and methodological treatment of knowledge. It was found that the reality of deep social inequality prevented a significant part of the population from having access to school knowledge, and that, contradictorily, revealed possibilities to deal with the contents in a systematic way. It is concluded that the possibilities are related to the formation of teachers based on a consistent theoretical basis that allows them to face the identified problems.
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