Using interactive activities as a way to personalize Chemistry classes in remote education
Chemistry teaching; Interactivity; Quiz.Abstract
Due to the health crisis imposed by the new coronavirus, it has become necessary to adapt the teaching methodologies, making the student’s teaching and learning process even more challenging. In this context, the objective of this work is to introduce interactive activities as a way to personalize the teaching of chemistry during the period of remote classes. To this end, the digital platforms Wordwall and Google Forms were used. It was observed that with the use of didactic and interactive tools, freely available on the internet, it became possible to give na innovative character to exercises with the creation of quizzes and games during the remote classroom moments. The use of interactive tools in remote classes has enabled a better diagnosis of the student’s knowledge. These respective tools are capable of replicating graphics that not only bring correct or wrong answers, but that make it possible to analyze the level of knowledge of the classes about the studied content, thus inducing corrective measures to be taken by the teachers.
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