Antimicrobial activity of the plant Azadirachta indica (indian nim) – an integrative review.


  • Elon Faculdade de Enfermagem Nova Esperança de Mossoró
  • Cândida Maria Soares de Mendonça Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Luanne Eugênia Nunes Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Ítalo Diego Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte



Azadirachta indica, Nim indiano, atividade antimicrobiana, metabólitos secundários


Azadirachta indica, popularly known as Indian neem, is an exotic plant from the Asian continent, which has great therapeutic potential. Indian neem has Azadirachtin as its main secondary metabolite, which is one of the main responsible for its therapeutic action. Currently, neem has been the subject of several researches by the pharmaceutical industry both in the field of cosmetics, medicinal uses and also in pest control. Therefore, the objective of this work was to carry out an integrative review in order to identify the antimicrobial activity of this plant. Therefore, we sought to analyze which metabolites present in the plant would contribute to the action researched in this work, as well as for which pathologies it is used according to ethnobotanical studies. In this work, articles from the main available research sources were used. The following descriptors were used to search for articles: ‘‘Azadirachta indica’’, ‘‘antibacterial’’ action, ‘‘antimicrobial’’. The time frame for searching the files corresponded to the last ten years. The data were analyzed in a qualitative way, aiming at an answer to the proposed question. The results obtained in this study show that Indian neem has a relevant antimicrobial activity and has the potential to become a therapeutic alternative in the treatment of resistant microorganisms. However, more studies should be done in order to have a better theoretical basis regarding the antimicrobial activity of the plant.


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How to Cite

Elon, Mendonça, C. M. S. de ., Nunes, L. E. ., & Ítalo Diego. (2022). Antimicrobial activity of the plant Azadirachta indica (indian nim) – an integrative review. Diversitas Journal, 7(4).