Chemical composition of caferana (Bunchosia armeniaca) fruit: a rich source of lycopene
carotenoides, flavonoides, açúcares, composição centesimalAbstract
The present study aimed to evaluate the nutritional quality of the caferana fruit, focusing on the content and profile of carotenoids due to the characteristic coloring of these compounds. The fruits were collected, botanically identified, and evaluated for proximate composition, carotenoid and sugar content and profile, and flavonoid profile. The results of the centesimal composition of the caferana pulp were: 65 g/100g of moisture; 0.72 g/100g of ash; 0.92 g/100g of protein; 0.78 g/100g of ethereal extract; 2.83 g/100g of dietary fiber; 29.73 g/100g of carbohydrates and the caloric value of 129.62 kcal/100g of pulp. As for the content and profile of sugars in the pulp, 19.41 g/100g of fructose and 4.01 g/100g of glucose were obtained. The fruit had a high content of carotenoids (40 mg/100g on a wet basis), of which 89% was lycopene (36 mg/100g), 2.5 mg/100g of β-carotene and 0.3 mg/100g of lutein. Rutin was identified as a flavonoid present in the fruit pulp. The caferana fruit proved to be an excellent source of lycopene, with higher levels than tomato-based products.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Renata Galhardo Borguini, Sidney Pacheco, Manuela Cristina Pessanha de Araújo Santiago, Monalisa Santana Coelho de Jesus, Lúcia Hulda de Sena Silva, Ronoel Luiz de Oliveira Godoy

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