Linguagem musical, fanfarra e currículo escolar: algumas considerações
linguagem musical, fanfarra escolar, currículoAbstract
This study, which is a research essay, aims to investigate how the musical language developed by the fanfare can act in the production of knowledge and in the dissemination of sociocultural practices. The locus of the research is the Integrated Education Complex of Caetité, a full-time school, located in the city of Caetité-BA. There are considered the reasons that lead students to join the Fanfare of the Colégio Estadual Tereza Borges de Cerqueira [FANCTEB] and its pedagogical and sociocultural contributions to the participants. The methodology used is action-research, with a qualitative approach, in order to listen to the students and teachers of the school and people from the Community. The categories of analysis are: school, musical language, fanfare and school curriculum, having as theoretical support studies by authors such as: Bourdieu and Passeron (1992), Nadal (2011), Sacristán and Gómez (1998), Penna (2012), Lima (2011), Almendra Júnior (2014), Campos (2008), Veiga-Neto (2002), Parente (2020), Silva (2012), Freire (2010) and Brazilian educational legislation. So far, the reflections point to the construction of a School Fanfare Curricularization Project, as an Educational Product, as of a school flexibility plan, in one of the curriculum diversified part componentes: the Stations of Knowledge - Experiences and Practices.
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