Impact and protagonism

peasant women facing the consequences of climate change


  • Arlla Katherine Xavier de Lima Federal University of Alagoas
  • Arthur Costa Pereira Santiago de Almeida Federal University of Alagoas
  • Alessandra Keila da Silva Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Crísea Cristina Nascimento de Cristo Federal University of Alagoas
  • José Roberto Santos Federal University of Alagoas



Rural women, climate change, sustainable development


Climate change has several consequences that affect women's lives, especially the lives of women farmers, as they are one of the most vulnerable groups in society, they are even more affected by these changes. The impacts on agriculture significantly affect the lives of rural women, as they are responsible for producing part of the food that arrives on the table of the Brazilian people, despite this work being made invisible and seen as a mere help, peasant women have a key role in production. of healthy food. There needs to be an urgent change in the use of the planet's natural resources, given the crisis situation that has been experienced, new effective policies are needed that aim at sustainable development that is efficient for the preservation of our planet. Women farmers have a strong bond with nature, assume the role of guardian of natural resources and are on the front line in the fight against the destruction of the environment. It is through the empowerment and autonomy of these women that they are increasingly strengthened and involved in the process of fighting for environmental sustainability and balance on planet earth.


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Author Biographies

Arlla Katherine Xavier de Lima, Federal University of Alagoas

Linked to the Federal University of Alagoas, Maceió, Brazil.

Arthur Costa Pereira Santiago de Almeida, Federal University of Alagoas

Linked to the Federal University of Alagoas, Maceió, Brazil.

Alessandra Keila da Silva, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Linked to the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.

Crísea Cristina Nascimento de Cristo, Federal University of Alagoas

Linked to the Federal University of Alagoas, Maceió, Brazil.

José Roberto Santos, Federal University of Alagoas

Linked to the Federal University of Alagoas, Maceió, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Xavier de Lima, A. K., Costa Pereira Santiago de Almeida, A., da Silva, A. K., Nascimento de Cristo, C. C., & Santos, J. R. (2023). Impact and protagonism: peasant women facing the consequences of climate change. Diversitas Journal, 8(2), 928–936.