The use of Mikania glomerata Spreng. (Guaco) in the treatment of respiratory allergy – an integrative review.


  • Kyanne Adrielle Gadelha Sousa Faculdade Nova Esperança, Mossoró, Brasil
  • Arthur Noronha Costa do Nascimento Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil
  • José Carlos da Silveira Pereira Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido-Mossoró, RN, Brasil
  • Luanne Eugênia Nunes Universidade Federal de Pernambuco-Recife, PE, Brasil
  • Ítalo Diego Rebouças de Araújo Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte-Natal, RN, Brasil



Mikania glomerata, Guaco, respiratory allergy, immunoglobulin E, herbal medicines.


The use of medicinal plants for therapeutic purposes to treat various diseases is one of the first resources used by humanity, due to the existence of several plants with numerous therapeutic purposes. The present work intends to cover, in an integrative review, the use of Mikania glomerata, aiming to evaluate its potential in the treatment of respiratory allergy, in which the immunological mechanism involved is mediated by antibodies of the IgE class, and the main Factors that aggravate the allergic picture are called allergens, such as house dust, pet dander, mold and pollen. As for the research approach, it will be qualitative type. Data collection was carried out using the main database platforms such as SciELO, LILACS, MEDLINE, Virtual Health Library (BVS) and the academic search engine Google Scholar. The population and the sample will be the works found in these databases, where the data will be analyzed in a qualitative way. The search in the databases chosen for the present work resulted in 188 articles, after applying the filter, 9 articles were selected for the research, thus being able to confirm the benefits of using M. glomerata for the treatment of allergic diseases that affect the respiratory system. Studies on the side effects of herbal medicines based on the plant in question, or on toxicity, are quite scarce. Leaving evident the need for expansion of studies in order to evaluate the toxicity and side effects of the plant.


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How to Cite

Sousa, K. A. G., Nascimento, A. N. C. do, Pereira, J. C. da S., Nunes, L. E., & Araújo, Ítalo D. R. de. (2023). The use of Mikania glomerata Spreng. (Guaco) in the treatment of respiratory allergy – an integrative review. Diversitas Journal, 8(1).