Pharmacobotanical and pharmacochemical study of vegetative organs of Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.
Anatomy, Histochemistry, Sweet potatoAbstract
Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam., popularly known as sweet potato; is considered a nutrient-rich food, has its leaves used for various purposes, including as an alternative to other leafy foods. In addition, the leaf is used in traditional medicine for cholesterol reduction, sore throat, toothache, fatigue, inflamed gums, gonorrhea, and as an antidiabetic. Despite the traditional use and economic importance of potato, there are still few studies in the literature describing the anatomy as well as the histochemistry and phytochemistry of I. batatas. Because of this, the present study aims to perform the anatomical, histochemical and phytochemical characterization of the species Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. In the study performed, usual methods in plant anatomy were used in the preparation of the analyses under light microscope and polarization of semi-permanent slides containing transversal sections of the root, stem, petiole and leaf lamina and paradhermal sections of the leaf lamina of I. batatas. We also carried out histochemical tests in order to localize the metabolites in the leaf lamina through cross sections and phytochemical prospection of ethanolic extracts of the leaves through Thin Layer Chromatography. Through the anatomy it was possible to observe characteristics that differentiate I. batatas from other species of the genus, such as layer quantity and localization of tissues in vegetative organs (root, stem and leaf), presence of glandular trichomes in the petiole and leaf lamina and presence of secretory channels in the stem, petiole and leaf lamina. In the histochemical tests it was possible to observe the presence of phenolic compounds, lipophilic compounds, starch grains, lignin and triterpenes and steroid in the leaf blade of the species; and through phytochemistry flavonoids, mono and sesquiterpenes, triterpenes and steroids, cinnamic derivatives and reducing sugars were identified, confirming what was observed in the histochemistry. The results presented in the study demonstrate the importance of anatomical, histochemical and phytochemical characterization for quality control of the plant drug and pharmacobotanical standardization of I. batatas.
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