The danger of Literature


  • Luiz Felipe Verçosa da Silva Federal University of Pernambuco



Literature, Society, Todorov


This essay aims to reveal the work "Literature in Danger", by Tzevtan Todorov, reflecting on the main points raised by the Bulgarian theorist about the role and position of Literature in society. In our reflections, we will invert the concept enunciated by the author and invite our reader to an understanding that highlights the power that Literature provokes and exercises in humanity, highlighting its importance in the process of humanization and awareness of the self. Therefore, with this proposal, we aim to think of literature beyond its aesthetic effect, but rather as a social apparatus, capable of representing the desires of a population. To mediate this work, we resorted to the speeches of Holanda (2021), Borges (2019), Cabral (2003) and other authors who think about the proposed theme.


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Author Biography

Luiz Felipe Verçosa da Silva, Federal University of Pernambuco

Linked to the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE).


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How to Cite

Verçosa da Silva, L. F. (2023). The danger of Literature. Diversitas Journal, 8(3), 3039–3045.