Supervised curricular internship IV

a study of the textual genre song lyrics in english language


  • José Barbosa Costa State University of Alagoas
  • Maria Verônica Tavares Neves Cardoso State University of Alagoas



Didactic sequence, basic education, written production


Admittedly, the curricular internship is a pedagogical act, mandatory, according to Art. 82 of Federal Law No. 9.394/96; it promotes initiation into teaching, enables an interrelationship between theory and practice, and provides opportunities for professional and personal growth for graduates of teacher training courses. In this sense, this article aims to present a study on the learning of students of the 2nd year of High School in a public school in the city of Taquarana-Alagoas, with the discursive textual genre song lyrics, developed during the Supervised Curricular Internship IV in English Language, in the 7th period of English at the State University of Alagoas - Uneal, in 2022. For this, we used a Didactic Sequence, a device that has been used in the classroom by English language teachers for the development of the four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Our theoretical basis was based on the texts by Freitas (2004), who conceptualizes the supervised internship and teaching strategies; Pepper and Lime (2011); Griffee (1992) and Gobbi (2001), who deal with song lyrics; Bakhtin (2011), who points out the constitutive elements of the discursive genre; Marcuschi (2008), who addresses textual genres in language teaching; and, in the methodological field, in Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2004), who propose a model of didactic sequence (SD); among other gender scholars. The results point to positive advances in the learning of skills worked in the English language classroom.


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Author Biographies

José Barbosa Costa, State University of Alagoas

Vinculado à Universidade Estadual de Alagoas, Palmeira dos Índios, AL, Brasil.

Maria Verônica Tavares Neves Cardoso, State University of Alagoas

Vinculada à Universidade Estadual de Alagoas, Palmeira dos Índios, AL, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Costa, J. B., & Cardoso, M. V. T. N. (2023). Supervised curricular internship IV: a study of the textual genre song lyrics in english language. Diversitas Journal, 8(4), 3026–3044.