The importance of storytelling in the construction of children's cultural identity in Tamandaré (PE) Brazil




oral narrative, history of the municipality, children's literature


This research, whose theme is the importance of storytelling about the municipality of Tamandaré in the construction of children's cultural identity, investigates the following problem: How important is storytelling in the construction of cultural identity? How important is it to work on a work that tells the history of the city, in a language for children and young people? The present study began with bibliographical review research, carried out in storytelling books, doctoral theses, master's dissertations, monographs, articles and specific websites. From this perspective, the book Tamandaré, this is my name, this is my story, brings cultural memories and works on the citizens' sense of belonging. When this story is narrated, children sharpen their imagination, learn through play and, in their imagination, create the Caetés tribe. One of the goals of storytelling is the personal and social formation of the child, and is closely linked to the development of cultural identity and the process of socialization and socialization. Storytelling is important because it stimulates children's imagination, creativity, socialization, socialization, criticality, brings children closer to children's literature, sharpens curiosity, enhances participation in oral culture, promotes intellectual and social experience, expands vocabulary and makes the class more dynamic. The work corroborates the feeling of belonging and the appreciation of the children's historical and cultural roots in the municipality.


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Author Biographies

Romero Silva de Albuquerque, Academia Tamandareense de Letras e Artes, Pernambuco, Brazil

Degree and Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education(UNIVERSO-RECIFE). Postgraduate in School Physical Education (ESEF/UPE) and Storytelling (FAVENI). Physical Education Teacher at the State Network of Pernambuco. Capoeira Master. Effective academic and founder of the Tamandareense Academy of Letters and Arts (Academia Tamandareense de Letras e Artes-ATLA).

Maria do Carmo Ferrão Santos, Tamandareense Academy of Letters and Arts

achelor inBiological Sciences (UFRPE) and Degree in Biology (UFPE). Master's and Doctorate in Biological Oceanography(UFPE). Environmental Analyst atICMBio/MMA. Teacher. Researcher of historical themes about Tamandaré. Effective academic and founder of the Tamandareense Academy of Letters and Arts (Academia Tamandareense de Letras e Artes-ATLA).


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How to Cite

Albuquerque, R. S. de, & Santos, M. do C. F. (2023). The importance of storytelling in the construction of children’s cultural identity in Tamandaré (PE) Brazil. Diversitas Journal, 8(4), 3183–3193.