Evaluation of the sulfate/chloride ratio in craft beer production and its sensory impacts
Sensory analysis, analysischemical processes, biotechnology acceptability indexAbstract
The craft beer market has stands out in the national and international economic scenario. In this way, the search for news and innovation has increased exponentially, arousing the curiosity of many connoisseurs and specialists in the area. In this context, the present work aims to analyze the sensory influence related to changes in the proportion between sulfate and chloride ions present in the water used to produce artisanal beer. For this purpose, three samples of a German Kölsch style beer were produced, with a neutral profile, with different relationships between these ions. Thus, through sensory analysis tests, the influence of these ions on the final product was verified, in addition to its acceptability index. The result of this analysis showed that there was a considerable difference between the sensory perceptions of malt bitterness and sweetness related to the concentration of the highlighted ionic species, demonstrating that such modifications can contribute satisfactorily to the quality and acceptance rate of the product. However, these correlations must be planned according to the style of beer to be produced.
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