Morphological characterization, genetic divergence and parental selection of sweet potato for hybridization
Ipomoea Batatas, Genetic Variability, Morphological Descriptors, Multivariate AnalysisAbstract
Studies on the genetic divergence of the base population, as well as the characterization of the genotypes are essential in the selection of parents within a breeding programme. Therefore, this research aimed at the morphological characterization of 33 sweet potato genotypes, the estimation of genetic divergence and the indication of parents for biparental crossing. Fourteen characteristics of shoot and 11 of the roots were evaluated using morphological descriptors. Genetic divergence was estimated by the Tocher clustering test, using the Gower algorithm to calculate dissimilarity measures. A wide morphological variability was observed between the genotypes, both in the shoot and in the roots (length, diameter, shape, pigmentation, coloration). Root epidermis color ranged from cream, pinkish to reddish purple; the pulp color ranged from cream to dark purple. The morphological descriptors of shoots and roots showed the existence of genetic divergence, with the formation of six groups of similarity between the evaluated genotypes, allowing the indication of biparental crosses ‘CL 28 x Beterraba 1’, ‘CL 28 x Pão’, ‘CL 15 x Beterraba 1’, ‘CL 15 x Pão’, ‘CL 28 x F-16’, ‘CL 15 x F-16’, ‘CL 28 x F-15’, ‘CL 15 x F-15’, ‘F-15 x Beterraba 1’, ‘F-16 x Beterraba 1’, ‘F-15 x Pão’, ‘F-16 x Pão’, allowing gains with greater heterosis and superior progeny.
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