Development of cocoa seedlings using the concentration of biostimulant d’raz®


  • Josivan Freitas Universidade Federal do Pará, Brasil
  • Iselino Nogueira Jardim Federal University of Pará. Altamira, PA, Brazil
  • Mayara Neves Santos Guedes Federal University of Pará. Altamira, PA, Brazil



Biofertilizer, Seaweed, Ascophyllum Nodosum, Cocoa Farming


Recently, the use of bio-stimulants in agriculture has increased due to the need of sustainability in crop production. Additionally, these products are low-cost, easy to handle, environmentally cleaner, and safer for producers regarding health risks. This study aims to test the effectiveness of different doses of the D’Raz® bio-stimulant on the initial growth of cocoa plants (Theobroma cacao L.). The study was conducted in a forest nursery at the Federal University of Pará, Altamira. A completely randomized experimental design was used with four doses of D’Raz® bio-stimulant (0; 2; 4; and 8 mL per plant) and 10 replications, totaling 40 plants. Evaluations were carried out 120 days after sowing, including measurements of shoot height (cm), stem diameter (mm), height-to-diameter ratio, number of leaves, dry mass of shoot, root, and total (g), Dickson's quality index, leaf area, chlorophyll a, and chlorophyll b. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and Pearson correlation, and the means were compared using the Scott-Knott test at 5% significance level. The use of different concentrations provided a statistically significant effect on most variables, except for leaf area and chlorophyll b. Overall, the exogenous addition of bio-stimulant to the soil had beneficial effects on seedling development.The study concluded that the D’Raz® bio-stimulant at a concentration of 4 mL per plant was effective in cocoa seedling production


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Author Biographies

Josivan Freitas, Universidade Federal do Pará, Brasil

Federal University of Pará. Altamira, PA, Brazil.

Iselino Nogueira Jardim, Federal University of Pará. Altamira, PA, Brazil

Federal University of Pará. Altamira, PA, Brazil.

Mayara Neves Santos Guedes, Federal University of Pará. Altamira, PA, Brazil

Federal University of Pará. Altamira, PA, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Freitas, J., Jardim, I. N., & Guedes, M. N. S. (2024). Development of cocoa seedlings using the concentration of biostimulant d’raz®. Diversitas Journal, 9(2), 660–671.