Teaching stability in Physics: problem-solving with Neuroeducatio





Sequência Didática, Estabilidade, Resolução de Problemas, Neuroeducação, Ensino de Física


This article presents a proposal for a didactic sequence for teaching stability in a physics teacher education course, utilizing problem-solving with a neuroeducation approach. The objective of this study is to develop a didactic sequence that promotes the understanding of the concept of stability through problem-solving and neuroeducation strategies. The methodology used in this research is exploratory, involving a literature review on the topic and the analysis of existing didactic sequence proposals for physics teaching. Based on these analyses, a didactic sequence was developed, consisting of five stages: presenting the concept of stability, identifying problems, creating strategies to solve them, applying these strategies, and evaluating the learning process. We conclude that this proposed didactic sequence for teaching stability in a physics teacher education course, using problem-solving and neuroeducation, can be an effective strategy for improving the learning process, promoting a greater understanding of the concept of stability, as well as stimulating students' motivation and engagement.


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Author Biography

Daniel Nicolau Brandão, State University of Alagoas, Brazil

0000-0002-0291-8638; Universidade Estadual de Alagoas. Arapiraca, AL, Brasil. daniel.brandao@uneal.edu.br.


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How to Cite

Nicolau Brandão, D. (2024). Teaching stability in Physics: problem-solving with Neuroeducatio. Diversitas Journal, 9(3). https://doi.org/10.48017/dj.v9i3.3067