A Thematic Exploration of the Effects of Restricted Face-to-Face Learning on Nursing Students
difficulties experienced, emotional distress, psychological reslience, positive contribution, practicing nursing careAbstract
Nursing students face many challenges during their clinical training, including academic, financial, and psychosocial pressures. These pressures can cause stress, anxiety, and low self-esteem, which can affect their performance. Academic performance is critical for success, but the COVID-19 pandemic has led to widespread school closures, impacting millions of students worldwide. Traditional clinical education methods have limitations, especially during a global health crisis. Clinical instructors must find innovative approaches catering to remote or hybrid learning environments. This study aims to uncover nursing students' experiences and the effects of restricted face-to-face modalities on their learning journey, clinical skill development, and readiness for clinical practice. The researchers used the qualitative thematic analysis method, interviewing seven participants during the 2020-2021 academic year at Jose Rizal Memorial State University—Dapitan Campus. The study revealed that nursing students face various challenges due to restricted access, limited exposure, and financial constraints. As a result, they experience anxiety, depression, disrupted sleep patterns, and stress-induced eating habits. While blended learning has advantages, some students struggle with technology, time management, and course organization. Student perspectives emphasize the need for understanding, support, and compassion amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Blended learning has brought up accessibility and affordability issues. Instructors need to evaluate students' readiness and create effective educational plans. Institutions must acknowledge students' experiences and backgrounds and be empathetic and inclusive. This study highlights nursing students' challenges during limited face-to-face learning and stresses the importance of collaborative, empathetic approaches during global education disruptions.
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