Examining the Factors Affecting the Industrial Engineering Certification Examination Preparation: A Tracer Study


  • Aura Marie Novesteras Quezon City University. Quezon City, Philippines
  • Niña Apusaga Quezon City University, Quezon City Filipinas




Engineering Education, Internal Motivators, External Motivators, Certification exam, Higher Education


Industrial engineers are in high demand because of their focus on streamlining operations, enhancing productivity, and waste reduction across a wide range of industries. Several employers do not require industrial engineers to take certification exams because employers give more weight to qualifications than certifications. The Certification Exam for Industrial Engineering (CIE) is a significant milestone for aspiring industrial engineers to hold the key to career advancement and industry recognition. A certification exam is regarded as a milestone in an engineer's career. A great deal of preparation among the participants is necessary to ensure success in this exam. As such, it is essential to understand the factors that influence the preparation of candidates for this examination. This study looks into the variables influencing the Certification Examination for Industrial Engineering (CIE) preparation, including identifying the opportunities and difficulties the candidates face as they prepare for the exam in terms of internal and external motivators and other factors. The study's findings showed that the biggest reason for not taking the certification exam was a lack of money. Awareness of exam content helps in certification preparation and acts as a roadmap to the many subjects that are anticipated to be covered on the test. Based on the outcome, getting access to high-quality study materials is an essential certification exam preparation. An individual yearning for recognition is externally motivated to pass the certification exam. Involvement from alumni promotes supportive relationships and meaningful connections between students and alumni in many ways, including access to study resources.


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Author Biographies

Aura Marie Novesteras, Quezon City University. Quezon City, Philippines

0009-0002-2936-1160; Quezon City University. Quezon City, Philippines. aura.marie.novesteras@qcu.edu.ph

Niña Apusaga, Quezon City University, Quezon City Filipinas

0009-0002-6233-0470; Quezon City University. Quezon City, Philippines. nina.apusaga@qcu.edu.ph


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How to Cite

Novesteras, A. M., & Apusaga, N. (2025). Examining the Factors Affecting the Industrial Engineering Certification Examination Preparation: A Tracer Study. Diversitas Journal, 10(special_1). https://doi.org/10.48017/dj.v10ispecial_1.3195