A inserção das TICs como ferramenta facilitadora do processo de ensino-aprendizagem: contribuição da língua inglesa
ABSTRACT: This article aims to analyze the insertion of information and communication technologies as a facilitator of the process of teaching and learning English. The methodology used to achieve this objective was the qualitative research with bibliographical approach. Based on the premise that if students are users of mobile technologies and social media, it is understood that they are using the English language, since we can commonly observe words, expressions, texts of this language in both handsets and applications. In this sense, the use of ICTs bridges the gap between the English of school curricula and the life of the student, since once the student is able to understand the English in his daily life he will be able to associate it with the English applied in the classroom and in your life. In this sense, we can infer that the English language can contribute to an improvement in the quality of translation, writing and speaking of this language that is part of these technologies of information and communication of the 21st century digital society.
KEYWORDS: Technologies. Social media. English language.
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