Utilização da etnozoologia e educação ambiental para desvendar a concepção das crianças em relação aos anfíbios anuros


  • Jéssika Silva de Lima Universidade Estadual de Alagoas - UNEAL
  • Carlos Miguel Azarias dos Santos
  • Cristiane Kelly Aquino dos Santos




ABSTRACT: The absence of knowledge about anuran amphibians can lead to the banal extermination of species. Ethnozoology studies the relationship between human cultures over animals. The study aimed to verify  the  use  of  ethnozoology  and  environmental  education  can  be  lead  as  tools  to  change  students' vision  on  anuran  amphibians,  aiming  at  the  conservation  of  being  natural  environment  and  making possible  environmental multipliers. Study  carried out with 30 students,  aged between  11 and 13  years, from  the  State  School  Dr.  José  Tavares,  located  in  Arapiraca,  state  of  Alagoas.  A  questionnaire  was applied  before  the  intervention,  with  simple  questions,  in  order  to  verify  the  students'  perception  of anuran  amphibians. Afterwards  a lecture  was carried out with  the  purpose of  transmitting  information about the anuran amphibians, after which the questionnaire was reapplied to verify if there were changes in the students' thinking regarding these animals. It was noticed that 89% of the students did or are faced with  scenes of mistreatment to  the  anuran  amphibians and 85%  did not know  the  importance of  these animals in the environment. However, we saw that after the intervention, the primitive conception of the students changed by 100% and everyone understood the importance of amphibians in the environment. It is clear that intervention through environmental education improves attitudes, thus promoting a better interaction  between  humans  and  other  animals,  contributing  to  the  conservation  and  protection  of wildlife.

KEYWORDS: biodiversity; extinction; zoology.


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Author Biography

Jéssika Silva de Lima, Universidade Estadual de Alagoas - UNEAL

Graduanda do curso de Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Estadual de Alagoas.


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How to Cite

Lima, J. S. de, Santos, C. M. A. dos, & Santos, C. K. A. dos. (2020). Utilização da etnozoologia e educação ambiental para desvendar a concepção das crianças em relação aos anfíbios anuros. Diversitas Journal, 5(2), 814–823. https://doi.org/10.17648/diversitas-journal-v5i2-726