Estágio supervisionado em Geografia: reflexões a formação docente
We seek with this experience report to problematize the didactic-pedagogical experiences developed not during the supervised internship in two public schools (one municipal and one state) in Pariconha/AL between 2018 and 2019. To this end, we look for understanding the importance of the didactic-pedagogical planning establishing in it the valorization for the learning that will make viable in the teaching-learning relation the socialization of didactic-geographic knowledge embodied in the normative documents of the Brazilian education as the Law of Guidelines and Bases of the National Education, and also the From the discussions of Freire (1996), Kaercher (2002), Lima and Pimenta (2005/2006), Callai (2011), Oliveira (2015), Rodrigues (2015) we will reflect the relationship of construction and reaffirmation of teacher identity based on operational strategies beyond knowledge of the school space and the classroom, but also of soci some content, concepts and themes reaffirming the importance of geographic education.
Keywords: Supervised Internship, Teaching learning, Teacher Training.
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