Off-season production of Bell Pepper (Capsicum anuum, L.) as influenced by soil enhancers and mulching materials
DOI: clave:
soil enhancers, mulching materials, bell pepper production, off-seasonResumen
In a study focused on off-season bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) production, 1,152 seedlings were sown, transplanted, and distributed across 48 plots measuring 4.4 sq.m. Each plot accommodated 24 seedlings, and meticulous care and observation were maintained throughout the study. Employing a 2x4 factorial design, this investigation aimed to assess the influence of soil enhancers and mulching materials on bell pepper cultivation. The data analysis was conducted using the analysis of variance in a randomized complete block design (RCBD), with mean comparisons facilitated through Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT).
The treatments consisted of two factors: Factor A involved soil enhancers, with Treatment A1 as the control, A2 as carabao manure, A3 as goat manure, and A4 as chicken manure. Factor B encompassed mulching materials, including B1 (control), B2 (rice hull), B3 (rice straw), and B4 (plastic mulching).
The study's findings highlighted the substantial impact of soil enhancers, particularly chicken manure, on the vegetative growth phase of bell pepper. Furthermore, the combined application of soil enhancers and mulching materials, as well as individual applications, significantly affected the development of fruiting branches, with chicken manure particularly influencing the diameter of bell pepper fruits. In summation, the research suggests that the utilization of soil enhancers, especially chicken manure, constitutes a promising approach to enhance bell pepper vegetative growth during off-season production.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Melvin Tumbaga, Donata Valler
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