Flavors of Cebu: Exploring Stakeholders' Psychographics Towards Street Food
https://doi.org/10.48017/dj.v10ispecial%201.3175Palabras clave:
Street Food, Cebu City, Informal Economy, Cultural IdentityResumen
Street foods have become an important part of the society and are a source of income for most people in the developing cities of the world including Cebu City in the Philippines. This paper seeks to determine the factors that influence the consumption of street food by the residents and tourists and how the identified attributes influence the decision making process; this paper also explore at analyzing the perception of locals and tourists on street foods in Cebu City in terms of safety, quality, and satisfaction. Through the deployment of survey questionnaire, reveals consumers are satisfied and find quality with the street food products; and that street food plays a dual role: as a source of income in the informal sector, as an income generating activity for the vendors, and as a social activity that enhances unity among the people. With Cebu City now being one of the top tourist destinations, the street food business in the city is forced to meet the needs of the customers that include food safety and cleanliness. Thus, the study recommends that the regulatory systems should be enhanced, vendors educated and infrastructure developed to enhance the growth of the street food sub-sector in Cebu. These measures are important to ensure that the sector remains culturally sensitive and at the same time safeguard the health of the public which is a market for street food and a source of income.
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