Kalimbahin: An Alternative Healthy and Safe Sports Drink
https://doi.org/10.48017/dj.v10ispecial%201.3181Palabras clave:
sweet potato leaves, experimental, electrolytesResumen
Kalimbahin Sports Drink is an alternative to create a healthy and natural sports drink for athletes and those who need rehydration. The study formulated a sports drink from locally grown vegetables and natural ingredients. The specific objectives are to analyze the safety of the prepared sports drinks based on the microbiological test and toxicity/heavy metal contamination and physicochemical properties based on pH and titratable acidity; to evaluate the nutritional value and composition of the formulated drinks through approximate nutrient calculator on total sugar, vitamins, and minerals. This research is an experimental type that was divided into two phases. The independent variables are the amount of sweet potato leaves and the source of sweet potato leaves, while the dependent variable is the nutrient contents. The controlled variables are the total amount of sugar, honey, fruit juice, and water. Phase I includes an initial analysis of the microbial load, heavy metal contamination, and physicochemical properties. Phase II involves the evaluation of the nutrient contents of the formulated Kalimbahin sports drink. Result showed that the components and composition of the beverage were well-formulated, which did not support the growth of any of the microorganisms that may affect the sensory properties of the freshly prepared sports drink or compromise the health and safety of the consumers. Analysis of its components highlights the presence of the electrolytes: sodium and potassium, which are essential components for a sports drink. The study concluded that Kalimbahin contains significant amounts of nutrients classified as a sports drink.
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Derechos de autor 2025 Anna Dominique Tallara, Freya Gay Jingco, Merlyn Cruz, Edwin Tadiosa
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