Gender Team-Based Learning and Performance in Mathematics
DOI: clave:
Gender Teams, Gender Groups, Team-Based Learning, Active Learning, Mathematics PerformanceResumen
The main objective of this study was to find the differences in the mathematics achievement of students who were grouped according to gender – all female group, all male group, all gay-male group, and mixed group; in learning the subject of mathematics as a team. The study utilized the Pretest – Posttest Quasi–Experimental design. Before the actual experimentation began, a pretest was administered to all groups to see if there were no biases at the beginning of the experiment. Team-based method of learning was the intervention utilized in the study. After the experimentation, the posttest was administered. Using the T-test, it revealed that all groups performed better in their posttest compared to their pretest performance, concluding that team-based learning is an effective method of teaching Mathematics. ANOVA test revealed that there was a significant difference the performance of each gender team, the post hoc Scheffe’s test result revealed that there was significant difference in the performance between the all male and all female groups and in the all male and all gay-male groups as well, concluding that some gender teams performed better than the other groups.
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