Construcción de modelos de aprendizaje combinado profundo para la enseñanza del inglés en escuelas secundarias
DOI: clave:
Blended Learning, English Language Education, Technology, Students Language PerformanceResumen
Educators around the world are seeking for more efficient strategies to improve the quality of Education. In China, English is the second language, which determines it is different from the learning of native language. In the context of globalization, English teaching and leaning can not not merely rely on the traditional approaches, especially we have undergone the global epidemic period. This research investigates the impact of a carefully designed blended learning model on secondary school English language education. The research findings reveal a substantial and positive effect on students' language performance, with a large effect size indicating the practical significance of the approach. These findings have implications for educators, curriculum developers, and policymakers seeking to enhance language education in secondary schools.
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