About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Diversitas Journal is a scientific magazine of the State University of Alagoas (Universidade Estadual de Alagoas, Brazil) and its mission is to promote and disseminate research with emphasis on discussions related to Anthropology and Archaeology, Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Teaching, Culture, Environmental Sciences, Biological Sciences, Health Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Exact Sciences, Applied Human and Social Sciences, Economics, Administration and Development, Letters and Linguistics, Animal Science and Fisheries and Multidisciplinary Resources.

In line with the assumptions of Open Science, Diversitas Journal adheres to good practices by encouraging the transparency of scientific research from the conception of the research, the clarification in the elaboration of methodologies and management of scientific data, so that can be distributed, reused and be accessible to all levels of society and without costs.

Articles can be submitted in Portuguese, English and Spanish and must be unpublished and follow the publication rules present in: https://diversitasjournal.com.br/diversitas_journal/about/submissions. Diversitas Journal declares itself open to the participation of authors external to the magazine's publishing institution.

Thematic areas of the magazine

Thematic area level 1 - major area of CAPES: Interdisciplinary. 

Thematic area level 2 - basic area of evaluation of CAPES: Environment and Agrarian, Social and Humanities, Engineering / Technology / Management and Health and Biological.


The target audience of the magazine Diversitas Journal are teachers, researchers, professionals and graduate students of areas and disciplines, who are interested in general interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary aspects in the different areas of knowledge of Capes and CNPq.

Section Policy

The Diversitas Journal is organized in the following modalities of work:

  • Articles: Gathers unpublished manuscripts that present results of empirical or theoretical research or systematic and integrative critical review of scientific and academic production in the specific area of publication.
  • Reviews: Gathers manuscripts that present critical reading of works relevant to the area that have been published in the last 2 years.
  • Opinion: It gathers opinion articles on current topics of repercussion in the specific chosen area.
  • Interviews: Gathers unpublished interviews that present relevant contributions to the chosen area of study.
  • Dossier: It brings together a set of articles that address a specific theme, conceived from a proposal received from the academic community or from a call made by the editors.

Plagiarism submission and verification policies

The material for publication should be sent to the editors of the magazine electronically. The author must inform in the act of submission: A) Affiliation (institution of origin, unit / center / institute, department, city, state), B) Home Address, C) Full name, D) Telephone and e-mail for contact.

It´s required that the submitted works be unpublished and original.

Also at the time of submission of the article, the authors must inform the editorial board of possible conflicts of interest. Such communication must be made via the “Declaration of Authorship, Contribution and Responsibilities”, available in the Diretrizes para Autores, (Guidelines for Authors). Conflicts of interest may occur between authors, reviewers, and editors. Thus, it´s up to the authors to point out potential interferences that impair the conduct of the submission.

Also at the time of submission of the article, the authors must inform the editorial board of possible conflicts of interest. Such communication must be made via the “Declaration of Authorship, Contribution and Responsibilities”, available in the Diretrizes para Autores (Guidelines for Authors). Conflicts of interest may occur between authors, reviewers, and editors. Thus, it´s up to the authors to point out potential interferences that impair the conduct of the submission.

Subsequently, the area/section editors before sending the papers to the evaluators, analyze the submitted article for verification of plagiarism occurrence. Plagiarism is considered the copying, in whole or in part, of a study by another author or own authorship without due credit and acknowledgement to the work. The team of editors uses Copyspider plagiarism detection software before the manuscript is submitted for peer review, and at the end of the editing process, if the article is accepted.

Diversitas Journal agrees with good practices of scientific research, not accepting any type of plagiarism, even opposing the publication of excerpts of its own authorship without adequate citation (self-plagiarism), and the falsification of data and results.

In addition, Diversitas Journal follows the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE, to deal with cases in which plagiarism is incurred, such as: Contact the main author informing him of the situation, with the plagiarism report; in case of non-return, make contact with all authors and the research institution to which they are linked; in case of unsatisfactory response or admission of the act, refusal of the submitted article and inform potential victims and the institution to which it´s bound, among other appropriate measures.

Journal evaluation policy

If the article does not present any problem in the initial plagiarism check, it will be forwarded to the evaluators. If the article is accepted and post-corrections present plagiarism, the same measures previously mentioned will be taken.

For submissions with more than one author, it´s necessary to declare the contribution of each of the authors in the construction of the article, assuming responsibility for the work submitted. Diversitas Journal operates in line with the CRedit (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) which is maintained by the Consortia for Advancing Standards in Research Administration Information (CASRAI). CRediT considers fourteen different roles of authorship or contribution: 

  • Project Administration; 
  • Formal Analysis; 
  • Conceptualization; 
  • Data Curation; 
  • Writing - First version; 
  • Review and Editing; 
  • Research; 
  • Methodology; 
  • Obtaining Financing; 
  • Features; 
  • Software; 
  • Supervision; 
  • Validation; 
  • Visualization.

Each author must present, in the declaration of authorship, what(s) his/her contribution(s) in the writing of the manuscript.

The languages in which articles may be written are: Portuguese, English and Spanish. These articles must strictly comply with the APA Standards, according to Diversitas Journal's own submission model, available in the Diretrizes para Autores (Guidelines for Authors) and should contain, basically:

  • Title;
  • Summary (in languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish);
  • Keywords (in languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish);
  • Introduction;
  • Theoretical Reference (optional);
  • Methodological Procedures;
  • Results and Discussions;
  • Conclusions / Final considerations;
  • Acknowledgments (Optional);
  • Declaration of conflicts of interest;
  • References.

The journal employs a double-blind peer review process. All publications should receive at least two positive reviews or requests for adjustments by peer reviewers. In the latter case, for articles accepted with mandatory corrections, the authors must resend the article taking into account the aspects listed in the opinions, and indicate the modifications made: A) By highlighting in different text color in the submission model; B) By the review mode option of Microsoft Word in the returned file; or C) Sending a review letter with page numbering of the modification and comments.

In addition, when sending the article already corrected, the authors must send: A) Declaration of spelling and grammar revision performed by a professional proofreader; and B) Declaration of translation into English by a professional translator. Both declaration templates are available in the Guidelines for Authors. Diversitas Journal may appoint professional proofreaders and translators.

In the final version of the article, authors are also advised to adopt a minimum of four and a maximum of five keywords and descriptors that best portray their research in the various fields of knowledge. As an example of the area of health sciences, we have the Descriptors in Health Sciences - DeCS / Medical Subject Headings - MeSH.

Works not approved may be submitted again, if a correction suggested by the reviewers is made, making it clear in the article which items have been rewritten. Works with methodology errors and without changes will not be able to submit.

The final decision regarding the opinions is recorded and the responsibility of the editorial team. Authors are also granted the right to appeals and complaints, which must be made via the submission interface in the magazine. To do so, authors must start a topic through the “Discussion” function in the corresponding sections, i.e., Pre-evaluation, Evaluation, Text Editing, and Editing.

In addition, after the Text Editing stage, the editor responsible for each section will contact the authors to perform a proof reading of the approved and revised article, with a deadline of 48 hours to return any corrections. If the editor has not had any return after this period, the article will be published in this exact model.

All evaluators have stricto sensu training, are teachers with extensive experience in teaching and/or renowned researchers, with published works in their areas of expertise. The magazine has the collaboration of external evaluators. The evaluators are invited by the Editorial Team, through the section editors, as well as by open calls for this purpose on the website of the magazine in www.diversitasjournal.com.br or on the website of the State University of Alagoas (Universidade Estadual de Alagoas) in www.uneal.edu.br.

After the publication of each issue, authors can contact the editorial team to make revisions and retractions about the published manuscript. The contact must be made via email (revistadiversitasjournal@gmail.com) or through the comments section via the “Discussion” function, informing the volume and number of the publication in addition to the name of the authors and title of the article.

The average time between submission and publication is 4 to 12 weeks.

Guidelines for Authors

The guidelines, general recommendations, pre-submission and post-submission templates, with formatting information and statements, are available in the magazine's Guidelines for Authors.


Diversitas Journal is a scientific magazine of the State University of Alagoas (Universidade Estadual de Alagoas), published in continuous flow, with an annual volume and four quarterly issues, in the months of January to March, April to June, July to September and October to December.

Continued publication was adopted from v. 8, n. 3, July 2023. 

Open Access Policies

This is an open access scientific magazine, that is, all content is available for free, at no cost to the user or his institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without seeking prior permission from the publisher or author.

Authors may also publish their research data in repositories without any restrictions, as per the policies of the Diadorim. In addition, authors will be able to create links to access the research data and provide it to the magazine.

Likewise, the authors are not charged any fees or charges related to the submission, evaluation and editing process.

The works submitted in Portuguese must be translated into English, being the expense on behalf of the authors. If there is scientific sponsorship, the translation will be in charge of the maintenance projects. Diversitas Journal may indicate registered translators, and authors who have made translations must present a declaration from the native translator.

All works published in the magazine are licensed under Creative Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License. This license allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt and construct the material in any medium or format, provided that attribution is given to the magazine. The license allows commercial use.

Authors are allowed to deposit all versions of their articles in an institutional repository.

This statement is in accordance with definição da Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) de acesso aberto.

The works are licensed with Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.

Open Science Communication Practices

With a view to Open Science practices, Diversitas Journal adheres to the following processes: 1) Openness in peer review; 2) Acceptance of preprints and 3) Availability of data, programs and other elements that constituted the results of the manuscript research.

With regard to openness in peer review, authors may opt for one or more means of opening the peer review process offered by the magazine, that is, that there is full identification of authorship and its science by the reviewers and vice versa. The document “Form on Compliance with Open Science” (Formulário sobre Conformidade com a Ciência Aberta) has adequate space for this manifestation. The reviewers of the magazine are also consulted, indicating the interest or not, in making the evaluation in this format. In addition, direct interaction between authors and evaluators is provided. 

Diversitas Journal also accepts published Preprints. Preprints are scientific manuscripts available for open access prior to publication in a magazine, being deposited on an online server to receive comments from other research readers. If the authors choose to submit articles in preprint, they must inform in the same way in the “Form on Compliance with Open Science” (Formulário sobre Conformidade com a Ciência Aberta) the name of the Preprint server along with the URL / access link of the document. We suggest the public server of SciELO that has exclusive space for Preprints: (https://preprints.scielo.org/index.php/scielo/preprints).

Authors are also encouraged to make available all content (data, program codes, and other materials) underlying the text of the manuscript prior to or at the time of publication. Exceptions are allowed in cases of legal and ethical issues. The objective is to facilitate the evaluation of the manuscript and, if approved, contribute to the preservation and reuse of the contents and the reproducibility of the research.

Information on the availability (or not) of the contents underlying the submitted articles must also be included in the “Form on Compliance with Open Science” (document to be completed and attached as a supplementary file at the time of submission).

Publication Ethics Policy

Diversitas Journal is a peer-reviewed magazine committed to ensuring the highest standards of publication ethics. All parties involved in the act of publishing (editors, authors, reviewers and publisher) must agree to standards of ethical behavior.

Diversitas Journal complies with the principles of Publication Ethics and Declaration of Bad Publication Practice, based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Magazine Editors of the Publication Ethics Committee - COPE (available at COPE: Comitê de Ética em Publicação | Promovendo a integridade em pesquisas acadêmicas e sua publicação (publicationethics.org)).

The magazine Diversitas Journal allows the author(s) to keep the copyright of their articles without restrictions, being responsible for all information in their articles. The copyright belongs to the authors, with permission to publish the magazine, authorized by the act of submission and signature of its term and declaration of authorship and assignment. 

Works that require authorization to register with ethics councils must inform in the methodology the number in the ethics council and cite the ethics council. Thus, at the conference of submission of the article, the editor of the section will check the informed record. If the research has no record or some missing element, the authors will be contacted informing them of the situation and requesting compliance with such aspects. If there is no return, the submission will be archived.


The magazine Diversitas Journal was awarded the Fapeal Notice No. 9/2018 and Fapeal Notice No. 07/2020, Fapeal Notice No. 9/2022, Support for Publishing and Publication of Scientific Magazines. The State University of Alagoas (Universidade Estadual de Alagoas), participates in the payment of cloud hosting expenses and other maintenance expenses.

The magazine accepts spontaneous donations from the authors.

Magazine history

The magazine Diversitas Journal emerged in 2015 with the partnership of the Federal Institute of Alagoas (Instituto Federal de Alagoas), through the demand for publications of Enccult - Cultural Scientific Meeting (Encontro Científico Cultural), where its organizer Dr. José Crisólogo de Sales Silva, Full Teacher of Uneal in partnership with the pro-rector of research of the Federal Institute of Alagoas (Instituto Federal de Alagoas - IFAL), Prof. Carlos Henrique Almeida Alves, decides to try the publications of the Annals of Enccult (Anais do Enccult) and then the magazine Diversitas Journal. Enccult, which already had a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and poly-university characteristic (Uneal, Ifal, Cesmac and Ufal), comes with a magazine formed by these demands and opens itself to spontaneous demands external to its Publishing unit. Thus begins its history with a commitment to disseminate science in Brazil and in the world.

In 2016 he published volume 1 with three issues, which followed quarterly until volume 4. In 2020 it began publishing quarterly, with its last complete volume published in 2021 with four issues. In 2022, ad continuum, it´s intended to continue with volume 7 with 4 issues. Publications in January, April, July and October. From issue 3 of 2023, it began to carry out continuous publication, maintaining the 4 annual issues.

As of 2018, the magazine was linked to the Postgraduate Program Territorial Development and Culture (Programa de Pós-graduação Desenvolvimento Territorial e Cultura), and is also owned by the Press of the State University of Alagoas (Editora da Universidade Estadual de Alagoas - Eduneal), since its foundation.

In the last three volumes were also published dossiers in various themes and areas, increasing the possibilities of dealing with specific themes within the updated conjuncture of the country and the world.

Archiving of articles

Diversitas Journal has enabled archiving options (LOCKSS e CLOCKSS) which allows to store and distribute the content of the magazine in participating libraries.

Authors may also publish their research data in repositories without any restrictions, according to the magazine's policies in the Diadorim.

Interoperability protocol

Diversitas Journal follows integration/interoperability standards and protocols through the Open Archives Iniciative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH): https://diversitasjournal.com.br/diversitas_journal/oai.

Impact Factor:

JIFACTOR: 3,01 http://www.jifactor.org/journal_view.php?journal_id=3523

CiteFactor: 1,10 https://www.citefactor.org/impact-factor/impact-factor-of-journal-Diversitas-Journal.php

Internacional Scientific Indexinghttps://isindexing.com/isi/journaldetails.php?id=13204