O hibridismo cultural na formação das quadrilhas juninas na contemporaneidade em Arapiraca-AL


  • Widis Pinheiro da Silva
  • Cristiano Cezar Gomes da Silva
  • Conceição Maria Dias de Lima




ABSTRACT: The June gangs bring a set of meanings and meanings that are attributed in the most diverse dimensions of social life, building representations about peasant work, religiosity, marriage and the way nature is viewed. That said, the present work aims to conduct studies on cultural hybridism involving junior gangs, that is, the focus is the investigation of this phenomenon in the municipality of Arapiraca, in Agreste de Alagoas, as it was possible to better understand how the These transformations in the June gangs are closely related to the changes in urban space, among which we can cite the rural exodus. As we consider these changes, we can perceive various ways in which they are experienced and (re) signified. June gangs for different groups in Arapiraca, for a focus on the cultural hybridism present in these manifestations. From the methodological point of view, we used direct observations of gang groups, visiting these gang collectives. These visits were important because they provided a direct observation of the social and cultural reality. Thus, it was possible to appropriate an interpretative analysis from a dense description, as proposed by Geertz (1989), allowing us to perceive the particularities through the flow and social discourse, respecting the cultural constructions of the subjects in particular events.

KEYWORDS: Juninas Gangs. Arapiraca. Culture. Cultural Hybridism.


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Author Biography

Conceição Maria Dias de Lima

Professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Dinâmicas Territoriais e Cultura da Universidade Estadual de Alagoas.



How to Cite

Silva, W. P. da, Silva, C. C. G. da ., & Lima, C. M. D. de. (2020). O hibridismo cultural na formação das quadrilhas juninas na contemporaneidade em Arapiraca-AL. Diversitas Journal, 5(1), 648–659. https://doi.org/10.17648/diversitas-journal-v5i1-1020



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