Doenças que afetam culturas energéticas utilizadas na produção de biocombustíveis no Brasil: uma abordagem cienciométrica




ABSTRACT: The occurrence of diseases in energy crops can be considered one of the most relevant factors affecting the production of biofuels. In this paper, we show the national scientific panorama directed to the study of the diseases that afflicts crops used for the production of biodiesel and ethanol in Brazil (sugarcane, castor, corn and soya), using a scientometric approach. For this, we searched for publications in three different databases (Google Scholar, Capes Periodic Portal and Scielo) and collected the information contained in these publications. We recovered 89 publications, distributed between 2001 and 2018. The journals Summa Phytopathologica, Fitopatologia Brasileira and Tropical Plant Pathology were the favorites, publishing a highest number of articles. Public institutions were the ones that published most, as well as those with the highest number of related authors, especially the institutions located in the Southeast and South regions. In view of the relevance of the energy crops for the production of biofuels, as well as of the continental territorial extension of Brazil, it is necessary to implement a national action plan that aim the decentralization of research. Thus, local and regional socioenvironmental specificities can be take into account and help promote the development of new forms of soil management, plant management and control of these diseases.

KEYWORDS: Phytopathology, Ethanol, Biodiesel.


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How to Cite

Souza, P. S., Silva, C. S., Protázio, A. dos S., & Protázio, A. dos S. (2021). Doenças que afetam culturas energéticas utilizadas na produção de biocombustíveis no Brasil: uma abordagem cienciométrica. Diversitas Journal, 6(3), 3159–3195.