Identification of breeding sites used by Aedes aegypti (LINNA. US, 1762) and Aedes albopictus (SKUSE, 1894) (Díptera: Culicidae) in construction works in Maceió-AL
Dengue, larvas, insetos vetoresAbstract
The mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus have great importance in Brazilian public health, as it is responsible for the transmission of several arboviruses, especially dengue and yellow fever, being fundamental the study of the main breeding sites of the culícides, since females use the containers as breeding sites for oviposition. Thus, this study aimed to identify the diversity of possible breeding sites used by Ae. Aegypti and Ae. albopictus in construction works of Maceió-AL. Surveys were carried out in locu in three works and a technical assistance of civil construction in the post delivery of the work, located in the upper part of Maceió, in the Lighthouse near IBAMA (work A), and in the Tabuleiro nearby to the sets Benedito Bentes (work B and C) and Eustáquio Gomes de Melo, (technical assistance) through photographs of containers and places passive for the storage of water , which can serve as breeding grounds for the vector mosquito. A descriptive analysis was performed, through data collection in the municipal official agencies (Municipal Health Department and the Zoonosis Control Center), of the rates of building infestation of larvae and pupae of Ae. Aegypti and human dengue cases in Maceió between 2012 and 2014. After data analysis, it was possible to verify that in 2012 it was the year that most human dengue cases were recorded, of the 14,810 reported, 14,429 were confirmed. During analysis in the works was identified shackles, buckets, concrete mixer, toilets, drains, masseiras, elevator shaft, water box and helmets. These diversity of artificial breeding sites directly contribute to the production of adult individuals, allowing the increase in the density of vector mosquito species, assuming an important risk in the dispersion of diseases.
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