Visitantes florais em duas espécies do gênero Pilosocereus (Cactaceae Juss.) em área de Caatinga




ABSTRACT: The Cactaceae Juss. family presents a wide distribution to Brazil being its flowers of nocturnal anthesis in most cases. With this, the present study aimed to know the possible floral visitors of Pilosocereus gonellei (F. A. C. Weber) Byles & Rowley and Pilosocereus pachycladus F. Ritter in an area of anthropized Caatinga in the state of Alagoas. The study took place in Sítio Minação, with varied areas of shrub and arboreal vegetation, located in the rural area of the municipality of Poço das Trincheiras. The flowers were observed in loco during a period of 27 non-consecutive days between pre-antesis and anthesis, with approximately 1 hour of observation per individual in order to record and analyze possible visiting animals and some aspects related to flower morphology. Some species were found as bats (Phyllostomidae family), beetles (Scarabaeidae family), wasps (Vespidae family) and bees (Apidae family) for P. pachycladus and flies (Muscidae family), beetles (Scarabaeidae family), ants (Formicidae family) and hopes (Tettigoniidae family) for P. gounellei noting a diversity of behavior in search of floral and extrafloral resources in the flowers observed. This study contributes to the floral biology of Cactaceae species in the state of Alagoas and encourages further research in other areas of Caatinga in the Brazilian semiarid in order to describe and analyze floral visitors of other species of the Cactaceae family.

KEYWORDS: Biology, Pollinators, Cacti.


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How to Cite

Pereira, M. R. da S., Silva, T. G. da, Ramos, G. J. do A., & Correia, C. C. (2021). Visitantes florais em duas espécies do gênero Pilosocereus (Cactaceae Juss.) em área de Caatinga. Diversitas Journal, 6(1), 584–600.

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