Brewing and stability evaluation of craft beer adding umbu-cajá (Spondias bahiensis) and cinnamon at maturation
Alcoholic fermentation, sensory acceptance, qualityAbstract
The production of craft beer has been growing rapidly over the last decade, and the main motivation for its consumption is the search for authenticity, new sensory experiences, and its functional attributes. Adding fruits and spices in the brewing or maturation of craft beer gives it unique characteristics such as aroma and flavor, thus the use of umbu-cajá fruits and cinnamon is an example of creating diverse new products and flavors in the beer industry. However, during beer storage, chemical and sensory changes that influence shelf life may occur. In view of the above, the present work aimed to brew craft beer adding umbu-cajá and cinnamon then to evaluate sensory and physico-chemical characteristics over 60 days of storage. To brew American Pale Ale beer we used Pilsen EBC 3-4,5 malt, Fermentis US-05 yeast, hops, umbu-cajá pulp and a cinnamon-based solution. After the drink went through a 10-day fermentation process, umbu-cajá pulp and cinnamon solution was added and it was then bottled. Over 60 days, samples were taken to carry out physical-chemical analyzes of real, apparent and primitive extract, total and volatile acidity, reducing and non-reducing sugars, alcohol content, density, color (L*, a*, b*, c*, hue angle) and sensory analysis performed after storage. According to the results, the resulting beer showed physical-chemical variations, pH and density variables were the most influenced during storage, but remained within the limits established by current legislation, except for primitive extract. As for the sensory acceptance test, the notes showed that the final product was well accepted and if it were on sale 76% stated that they would certainly or possibly buy it, thus showing it to be an alternative in the beer market with the introduction of a differentiated product with potential for adding value to umbu-cajá and cinnamon.
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