Solid waste in rural areas: an analysis of the Pindoba I settlement in União dos Palmares




Nesting Pindoba I, Rural, Rural Garbage, Ambiental degradation, environmental education


The general objective of this study is to verify how is the disposal of solid waste and its effects on settlement Pindoba I in União dos Palmares. The work methodology is structured in a quantitative approach in the field of social data, economic, environmental and demographic, and a qualitative approach in relation to the perception of the population regarding the allocation of waste generated on the property. The data gave subsidy to an exploratory analysis with the support material such as pictures and interviews. The results show that residents in the settlement Pindoba I use some forms of waste disposal in the prayer being more frequent fires. Moreover, they do not receive guidance on how to appropriate treatment to be given to the waste produced and also reuses ment of such waste. With regard to the types of waste disposed in rural dwellings, we identified that are very similar to those deposited in urban areas. So classified: product packaging, plastic bags, glass, cans of aluminum, PET bottles, cardboard and some metals. This information pointed to the need for involvement of public officials with the improper disposal of waste generated by rural communities, forbut waste reuse and composting of organic waste will therefore be a good alternative because it is a rich rural environment in such waste. Selective collection also protect the environment, ensuring proper disposal of waste and reusing those recyclable. Thus, the public awareness of the correct way of disposal of these wastes would be a way of preserving the environment.


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Author Biographies

Marcelo da Silva Gomes, Universidade Estadual de Alagoas

0000-0003-2549-0774. Universidade Estadual de Alagoas (UNEAL), Campus V, União dos Palmares-AL, BRASIL, Email:

Giliardi Camilo da Silva, Universidade Estadual de Alagoas

0000-0003-3815-2053.Universidade Estadual de Alagoas (UNEAL), Campus V, União dos Palmares-AL, BRASIL, Email:

Claudionor de Oliveira Silva, Universidade do Vale do Taquari

0000-0002-6566-0451.Doutorando em Ambiente e Desenvolvimento pela Universidade do Vale do Taquari (UNIVATES), Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul. BRASIL, Bolsista CAPES, Email:


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How to Cite

Gomes, M. da S., Silva, G. C. da, & Silva, C. de O. (2021). Solid waste in rural areas: an analysis of the Pindoba I settlement in União dos Palmares. Diversitas Journal, 6(1), 352–375.