Educação de surdos: repressões e conquistas




ABSTRACT: The present work presents a discussion about the “Milan Congress”, an event that took place at a time when it prohibited the sign language in the world and oppressed the deaf community, which suffers damages until today. The problem that originated this research asks why there is a lack of educational resources to assist individuals with deafness in their culture, if there are laws on the subject? Thus, the objective sought to understand the importance of deaf culture, broadening the concept of inclusion, reinforcing the theme and the use of comics, in the teaching-learning process. The work is anchored in the theoretical contributions of Marcuschi (2002), Silva (2018), Almeida and Cezar (2018) and others. The methodology that outlined this investigation followed a qualitative approach, using the method of exploratory research and bibliographic survey through records of all material studied on the history of the deaf. Observation technique was used with the instrument as a script for notes on the context of the classroom, where difficulties in the teacher / student interaction in the activities of the Portuguese language were experienced. The results showed that comics are stimulating and dynamic resources because they contain mixed language and provide various types of reading and interpretation. It is concluded that despite the advances achieved with the approval of Law 10.436 / 2002, educational systems seem to be crawling slowly along this path.

KEYWORDS: Hearing impairment, Inclusion, Textual genre.


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Author Biographies

Francielly da Silva Oliveira, Universidade Estadual de Alagoas

Especialista em Linguagem pela Universidade Estadual de Alagoas – UNEAL. Arapiraca, Alagoas

Cristina Simone de Sena Teixeira, uneal

Mestranda em Dinâmicas Territoriais e Cultura – PRODIC/ UNEAL. Professora efetiva da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Traipu – Alagoas

Inalda Maria Duarte de Freitas, Universidade Estadual de Alagoas

Professora Dra. em Ciências da Educação revalidado pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas – UFAL. Arapiraca, Alagoas



How to Cite

Oliveira, F. da S., Teixeira, C. S. de S., & Freitas, I. M. D. de. (2021). Educação de surdos: repressões e conquistas. Diversitas Journal, 6(2), 2606–2626.