Epidemiological characterization and temporal analysis of Covid-19 in a city in the interior of Alagoas
Alagoas, Pandemic, Time Series, VirusesAbstract
Covid-19, considered by the WHO as a pandemic, has recently reached several countries, including Brazil, which is considered the second country in the world with the highest number of cases and deaths. The study aims to carry out an epidemiological characterization of cases, between the months of May, June and July 2020, in the city of Santana do Ipanema, Alagoas. Conducting a descriptive study and weekly time series, selecting a period of 14 weeks, considering the availability of data from the beginning of the occurrence of virus transmission in the municipality, until the most recent cases available. That said, in the period from May 1st on July 30, 834 active cases were reported. Female individuals were the most affected, where they remained above 50% of the number of cases in each month. The public corresponding to the age group of 20 to 39 and 40 to 59 were the most affected by the disease in the municipality. The type of test most used for the detection of the virus was the rapid test, followed by RT-PCR. Thus, it was possible to observe the epidemiological characteristics, the most recurrent symptoms of the disease, the evolution of the number of cases and how the prevalence rate of covid-19 behaved in the municipality. Thus facilitating the realization of more incisive awareness campaigns and actions by the most effective authorities, aiming at reducing the number of cases.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Glória Isabel Lisboa da Silva, Martha Rejane Souza Bispo, Pedro Dantas Lima, Rosália Elen Santos Ramos, Wandklebson Silva da Paz, Israel Gomes de Amorim Santos

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