Assistive Technology to Support Access toPublic Transport for People with Disabilities
Urban Mobility, Accessibility Platform, Application for Mobile DevicesAbstract
To assist urban mobility of people with disabilities, the SIGABEM platform is being developed by researchers from the Federal Institute of Pernambuco (IFPE) in partnership with the Greater Recife Consortium of Transport (CTM) and the State Information Technology Agency of Pernambuco (ATI ), with the support of the Amparo Foundation for Science and Technology of Pernambuco (FACEPE). The SIGABEM platform consists of an application for mobile devices and a geographic information system on the web (SIGWEB). The application for mobile devices aims to improve the accessibility of people with access to public transport in the Metropolitan Region of Recife (RMR) by providing consultations on bus interruptions, bus schedules, making statements, suggestions or compliments related to service and public transport structure and other features. The project uses the Scrum methodology for software development, or the React Native framework, based on the Javascript language and Web Services. The application is in the field test phase with the following features: user location to promote the accuracy of your search for bus stops; stop responses within 350m of the user's position; stop selection to show bus lines with their arrival times; request support for boarding; mark as favorite as lines that the user uses most; making a claim associated with the quality of service or public transport structure; provide suggestions or praise; and finally, receive notifications from managers.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Thaysa Carla Gomes da Silva, Júlio César de Oliveira Guimarães, Arthur Felipe Graciano de Andrade, Aida Araújo Ferreira, Ioná Maria Beltrão Rameh Barbosa, Vânia Soares de Carvalho

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