Health protocols in food during COVID-19 times:
a study with the population of Belém (PA)
Alimentos, Vírus, Higiene.Abstract
The present study aimed to identify and analyze the health protocols adopted by the population of Belém (PA) in relation to the food purchased and consumed during the pandemic times of COVID-19. The survey was carried out by applying an online questionnaire to 385 city residents. The results show that the population of the capital of Pará is attentive to the care that must be followed when purchasing and handling food. However, in relation to the protocols with food prepared at home, the results were not satisfactory, as it was found that they are not prepared at high temperatures and thawing is performed at room temperature by most of the research participants. Although the scientific evidence on a possible contagion of the virus from food and packaging handling is very remote, it is important to frequently clean and disinfect the packaging of purchased products and hands, since the virus may be present on the surface of these.
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