Distance learning chemistry in a pandemic reality: digital media and their contributions





During the year 2020, the world went into social isolation causing several routines to be modified, especially education due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus. The new reality of education was to use distance learning to continue pedagogical practices and, with that, several resources had essential functions within the new teaching methodologies that were emerging. The following work addresses an innovative theme for the teaching of chemistry, as, like other exact sciences, chemistry has several factors that hinder the development of active methodologies, innovative and attractive didactics. With the surprise of remote teaching and all the changing pedagogical structure, the way out of providing meaningful learning for students was to resort to innovative methods. Therefore, it is important to understand how the media universe, which ranges from social networks to online movie, music and series platforms and how this can be favorable within the educational scenario, especially in the face of a teaching modality that directly affects teaching and learning. Social and visual media, used for entertainment by people, are essential factors for the development of content, as it contextualizes with the student's reality, providing a new active teaching methodology.


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How to Cite

Ayac, A. A. S., & Lemos, I. N. . (2021). Distance learning chemistry in a pandemic reality: digital media and their contributions. Diversitas Journal, 6(4), 4130–4141. https://doi.org/10.48017/dj.v6i4.1869