A Cidade na pandemia da Sars Cov-19:

a agonização do Flâneur e a sobrevivência do trapeiro





This text has as its primary purpose the discussion of the situation from the concept of cities in general. It discusses its shift from a place of consumption to a place of resilience, resulting in the flânerie's death. From a Benjaminian look, we seek to build a dialogue between Walter Benjamin's philosophy and geography and literature as a condition in the possibility of this new moment in the urban concept during the COVID-19 pandemic. We sought in Walter Benjamin's thoughts some reflections about the situation from the modern man in Charles Baudelaire's Paris, where the philosopher offers a set of images and diagrams from this contemporary and lyrical poet - fencer, bohemian, flâneur, detective, cheater, player, and prostitute. In this sense, we can then read this general concept of city and its images in this pandemic, in the poetic geography from the urban space. They are the images which form the constellation of the poet's heroic or anti-heroic task which chose the allegory as a single form of treating modernity, in this case highlighting the image of the flâneur and the rogue as the allegorist representing the modernity in the capital of consumption, the Paris from the XIX century. We then pose our look in the flâneur's image and its disappearance in the pandemic moment and the condition of resilience from the urban system and its perturbations.

KEYWORDS: City. Modernity. Merchandise. Capitalism.


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How to Cite

da Silva Santos Amaral, V., & Ferreira da Silva Viegas, M. E. (2022). A Cidade na pandemia da Sars Cov-19:: a agonização do Flâneur e a sobrevivência do trapeiro. Diversitas Journal, 7(1), 0329–0340. https://doi.org/10.48017/dj.v7i1.1875